In case you haven't heard, MTV took the "Music Television" out of their name last week. It makes what most of the world has known for years official: MTV is no longer a music channel. It's sad and very depressing. When MTV first hit the airwaves, it was a revolution and a phenomenon. It was very similar to the first wave of Rock and Roll back in the 50s. Kids loved it and parents hated it. It gave rise to a new form of musician and started a whole new era of music. Then, somewhere along the way, it became home to a bunch of really sophomoric programs that had nothing to do with music. Shows like The Real World and Made and the one where the parents fight their kid's boyfriend/girlfriend and try to come up with a better mate. I mean, seriously, what low level of intelligence are the folks at MTV looking for as their demographic. It's sad. I am a member of what was once called "The MTV Generation". Today's youth and all future generations have no clue just how great MTV once was. MTV has become the rebel that became part of the establishment when the sound of money clinked in their ear. As a memorial to the once great channel, here is the first 10 minutes of MTV. The first ten minutes of a broadcasting revolution. I wish it weren't so, but we will never see the like of this again.
I WANT MY MTV! What are they calling themselves now? TV?
Great clip, reminded me why I loved MTV & Benetar in High School. Still like Pat, but kinda forgot how strong her visual appeal was...DAMN she is a hottie! MTV on the other hand I gave up on a long time ago
Yeah, I recently downloaded Crimes Of Passion, but it took seeing this clip again to remind me how much she kicked ass back then. Too bad she sold out two albums later. And too bad MTV sold out years ago. Dropping the Music part of their name was long overdue. Nice clip, wish there was more. It's funny though, I had always heard that Todd Rundgren's Time Heals was the second video shown. Maybe this video was edited?
Benetar was the second video ran on MTV. And I don't think she sold out by any means. Artists change and people need to understand that. If they kept doing the same thing over and over again it would be boring. The only "sell out" I could see is the Seven the Hard Way album. They didn't want to do that album but they had a contractual obligation so they put it out. And I really don't even consider that a sell out.
Well, everyone's entitled to their own opinion. You have to admit though after that third album she was no longer doing rock. Unpure overproduced pop. The only thing I've heard since then that I had any respect for was her Blues album True Love. Not trying to start a fight here, so don't take it personal.
No harm taken. I'm not arguing either. Just stating my opinion. I agree that Pat went pop but it blended with her rock stuff and it worked. She was not a true blood rock and roll singer to begin with. She was discovered singing show tunes at Catch a Rising Star. I love her blues albums and both of them feature my good friend and musical compadre, Greg Piccolo so that fuels my love for them even more. I think that Pat ended up doing the material she wanted to do and that, in my opinion, is very admirable. I wasn't saying you had to like it. I just disagreed with the term "Sell Out". Thanks for visiting the blog and leaving your comments. They are always welcome!
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