Wednesday, January 16, 2013

When the Queen Smiles At Me I Go To Rio

Following up with the last post of The Partridge Family Bootleg, I bring you another bootleg. This time it's a real band playing a live concert. It's Queen rocking like only they could in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It was part of a huge rock festival that still goes on to this day called Cidade do Rock. This particular performance comes from January 18, 1985. There never was and has never been a band like Queen and they were truly amazing. Hear for yourself as you listen to "Queen - Rock In Rio". Enjoy!

Queen - Rock In Rio


  1. Hi, JimG here from Vintage Standup Comedy. Not sure if you know this - Rapidshare recently changed online file folder access to PRIVATE by default. So many, many download links on many sources will no longer work until the file owner changes their account folders' access to PUBLIC.
    If you have already setup a folder in rapidshare, just make it public. If not, create a new folder, make it public, and drag all existing files to the folder. All your links will now be downloadable. Only takes a few minutes
    Great blog! Thanks
    Oh yeah, your send-me-a-message link in your profile seems to be busted

  2. Chris in Cary7:53 AM

    Indeed, there never was another band like Queen. Thank you for sharing this.

  3. Anonymous1:10 PM

    Goodbye Dartman, goodbye. I'll see you again, I don't know when. Godbye dartman goodbye. Thanks, for all your hard work. Sorry to see you go. Your pal, Jim.
