Monday, October 03, 2011

The Last of the Hulk Cards

Here are the last five packs of the Incredible Hulk series of trading cards from 1979. I was going to space them out over a few more posts but October is upon us and I want to get into the usual Halloween theme here at the World of Wonder. So, without further ado, the remaining packs of this great series of cards (plus a few bonus items) are presented for your pleasure. Enjoy!

The Incredible Hulk Trading Cards Packs 9 & 10

The Incredible Hulk Trading Cards Packs 11, 12 & 13


  1. #1. Thank you for these. I had the cards and not the stickers.

    #2. I am now missing sticker #10

    #3. Would you happen to have copies of the backs?

  2. As per previous message, I do have #10 after all. Apologies for the mix up.
