Friday, September 17, 2010

The Unseen Mirage

I recently popped in Fleetwood Mac's "The Dance" and once again realized how great that band really is. That live album is so worth every penny spent on it and I strongly suggest you run out and grab it if you don't have it already. Anyway, it got me to thinking that I had a great bootleg of outtakes from the band's great 80s album, Mirage. Not just starts and stops but full blown takes of almost every song on the album. The sound quality is superb and many of the songs sound even better than the actual released versions. A great find for any fan of this great band! Enjoy!

Fleetwood Mac-Mirage Outtakes

1 comment:

  1. OHHHH Dartman YES thank you so very much- I LA LA LA LA LOVE .. the Mighty Mac.. they are my FAVORITE Band of all time.. hands down! :) THANKS FOR THE POST!
