Monday, September 13, 2010

Reynolds By Request

I have been looking for the proper moment to post one of the greatest finds in my collection. An opportunity came in the form of a comment that I received last night asking if by chance I had the album in question. So, here it is. A little background on how I came to find this album. I was somewhere that I can't recall where but it was in an obscure town where I was doing a jazz gig. Myself and the other musicians had a little time to kill so we hit a local store that had some really cool items. They had a sign that stated there were records in the basement so we went downstairs and looked around. While looking through the randomly thrown together racks I came across what I consider a golden find. My friend, Russ, who was playing sax on that particular gig, still brings it up whenever we are together. Now, mind you, it is far from a good album. It is downright laughable. And just a tad creepy. But I think you will agree with me that it is a treasure worthy of my hard earned money. Not to mention it was in mint condition. It is none other than the fabulous "Ask Me What I Am", a 1973 collection of narrations and songs by the great, Burt Reynolds! One listen and I am sure you will regard this in the same way as I do; a treasure to be held and not listened to but once. Here is, by request, Burt Reynolds' "Ask Me What I Am". Enjoy!

Burt Reynolds-Ask Me What I Am

Here's a record released to radio stations to accompany the album. It features edited versions of a few of the songs and some quotes from Burt so that the radio station could then conduct an "interview" with Burt. I like to take these fake interview records and add my own questions to the mix to see what fun I can create. You should do this as well and then send me the interviews. If I get enough I will post them at a later date. Here's "A Burt Reynolds Radio Special". Enjoy!

A Burt Reynolds Radio Special

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:20 AM

    wow - double whammy !!!!!!! thank you so much for answering my request !! very sincerely appreciated...
