Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A Month of Monkees: August 12 - September 12

September 12 marks the 43 anniversary of the premiere of The Monkees. Since the Monkees were the winners of the poll of "What artist would you like to see more of at the World of Wonder" I thought it would be fitting to do an entire month of Monkees posts culminating on the anniversary! We have so many goodies in store for you! And we're starting it off with a radio broadcast from January 20, 1967. The Monkees were on their first concert tour at the time and it became part of the tour to go to a local radio station and have the boys take over the airwaves for a few hours to advertise for the show that night. If you have ever seen the episode of the series entitled "Monkees On Tour" you get to see a little bit of what that was like. Now you get to hear what it was like as well. Here they are taking over KRUX in Phoenix, Arizona. The Monkees (Micky, Davy and Mike - Peter was "sick" back at the hotel) take over the airwaves from Bob Shannon and play their own songs as well as songs from the Stones, the Beatles and other great acts that were topping the charts back then. They also give their highly amusing "farm report" and invite everyone listening back to their hotel for a party that night. This of course escalates into more than they bargained for when they start receiving calls from a very nervous hotel manager. This is a great piece of history. Here for you now is The Monkees on the Bob Shannon Show, KRUX, Phoenix, AZ from January 20, 1967. Enjoy!

The Monkees on The Bob Shannon Show, KRUX Phoenix, 1/20/67


  1. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Thanks !!! Excited to see what other monkee goodies ya got !

  2. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Very hip! Looking forward to this. One of the most underrated “groups” ever. Read my post from last year why they should be in the Hall Of Fame…

  3. Anonymous12:54 PM

    RE: The Monkees on The Bob Shannon Show, KRUX Phoenix, 1/20/67.

    The link for this Monkees feature seems to produce a download error.
    Can this be fixed? Many thanks.
