Thursday, October 16, 2008

Saturday Fright Special

After giving the whole spiel on late night horror hosts for the Count Floyd post, I started thinking about my good friend Mark "Dangerboy" Nelson who, along with several other friends of mine, have started up a late night horror show in Keene, New Hampshire entitled, "Saturday Night Fright Fest". It's been on for over a year now and it's doing quite well. If you want to watch it, you can stream it live every saturday night at this website. It's on every Saturday night at 10 and every Sunday night at midnight. For those of you who aren't available at those times, here's a recent episode for you to enjoy! It features the film, "Tormented"! For more info on the show you can head over to their website!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for mentioning our silly little show. Episodes can also be seen "live" each week at 10PM EST via streaming video here:
