Thursday, September 06, 2012

Finally, the Third Indiana Jones Story Album!

After years of saying I will post "The Story of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade", I am finally keeping true to my word! Here is the third and final story record from the Indiana Jones legacy. As with The Temple of Doom, there is plenty of dialogue, music and sound effects from the film with an added bonus: deleted scenes!!!! The album was obviously produced before the final cut of the film was released and as a result there are many scenes included or described on the album that were never in the film! Super cool! Well worth the wait, don't you think? Here is "The Story of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade". Enjoy!

The Story of Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Kroft Supershow!!!!!

Here's part 1 of the first episode of the Kroft Supershow from 1977! This is the same episode that they used for the Kaptain Kool and The Kongs story LP that I shared here years ago. After this part, you'll need to head over to youtube to finish the episode! Enjoy!

Saturday, September 01, 2012

Podcast 29!

After a few weeks of no podcasts (but of posts of other natures!), I bring you the latest and greatest podcast. This one features a lot of stuff from the likes of Wolfman Jack, Depeche Mode, Those Darn Accordions, White Stripes, Roger Miller, Martin & Lewis, Elvis Presley, Karen Carpenter and so much more. This one is a lot of fun! Enjoy!

Dartman's Wacky Podcast #29